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World History


World History Events(click on topic to learn more) 

1st country- Britain,    2nd country- Belgium(Under the control of UK),  3rd country- France

Industrialization in USA

Phase 1(18th century-1860)- Industrialisation prior to Civil War

Phase 2(1870~)- After Civil War

Industrialization in Germany

1815-1835 Industrialisation in northern Germany(Prussia) 

1850~ Industrial revolution

Industrialisation in Russia(1850-1917) 

Industrialisation of Japan

Industrialisation of Japan started from 1853-1894.

And industrial revolution started after Meji restoration in 1868

Phases of Industrial Revolution

1st Revolution(18th century)- Coal as energy source, steam engine(Animal to machine) 

2nd Revolution(19th century)- Oil and Gas as energy sources, widespread electrification

3rd Industrial Revolution(20th century)- Nuclear energy, Automation using Digital technology like computer, mobile

4th Industrial Revolution(21th century)- Green energy, Automation using IoT, AI, ML, nanotechnology

The term 4th industrial revolution was coined by Klaus Schwab(Founder of WEF) in 2016.

1. Unification of Italy(1848-71) 
2. Unification of Germany(1848-71)

  • American Civil War(1861-1865) 
  • Chinese Revolution(1911-1949) 
1. Republic China was established by overthrowing the Qing Dynasty (1911) 
2. China civil war and Communist regime(1927-1949) 

  • World War I(1914-1918) 
  • Russian Revolution (1917-1923) 
  • World War II(1939-1945)
  • Rise of Israel(1948) 
  • Korean War(1950-1953) 
  • Cuban Revolution(1953-1959) 
  • Vietnam War(1955-1975) 
  • Suez Crises(1956) 
Protocol of Severes(1956)- secret agreement among Britain, France and Israel

  • Cuban Missile Crisis(1962) 
  • Soviet-Afghan War(1979-1989) 
1988- formation of Al Qaeda(Salafi Jihadist of Sunni islam group) at Peshawar by Osama bin Laden. It was outcome of Soviet-Afghan War(1979-1989). 
2011- Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan
2022- Al Zawahiri(2nd leader of Al Qaeda) was killed in Afghanistan

  • Saur Rebellion(1978
  • Iran revolution(1979) 
  • Iran-Iraq War(1980-1988) 
  • Gulf War(1990-1991) 
Iraq invasion of Kuwait, lot of Economic sanctions were put on Iraq

  • Food for Oil Program(1995-2003) 
To support the humanitarian needs Iraqi people after imposing economic sanctions on Iraq in 1991.
1999- Poverty in Iraq and support of Al Qaeda led to formation of ISIS(Salafi Jihadist of Sunni islam group) by Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi
2003- US attack on Iraq(2003-2011) with the coalition of 39 countries. Saddam Hussain was executed in 2006. With this attack of US, Food for Oil Program practically came to an end. 

1. Fall of USSR(1991) 
2. Fall of Yugoslavia(1991) 
3. Yugoslav War(1991-2001) 

  • Arab Spring(2010-2012) 
  • Syrian Civil War(2011-present) 
Arab Winter in Syria and Libya

  • Yemen Civil War(2014-present)


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